Get cardiac answers when you need them. Butterfly it.
TTE, flow assessment and biplane valve views in your pocket.

We’ve joined forces with the American College of Cardiology to support innovative cardiovascular care.
Learn more

Built for fast TTE.
Perform focused bedside TTE fast with handheld cardiac coherence imaging. Rule out pericardial effusion with the support of 1-touch image optimization.
Assess flows and murmurs. Evaluate suspected valve disease.
Help identify peripheral arterial disease, carotid stenosis, and acute vascular abnormalities with Pulsed-Wave Doppler. Assess fluid status and flow profile at the point of care.

See the heart in two planes simultaneously.
Biplane imaging in your pocket, to help you locate and assess cardiac anatomy more effectively.
Clinical evidence.
Detection of Early Cardiac Tamponade with Butterfly iQ+.
This case illustrates the ability of POCUS as a tool to help the clinician hasten intervention for potentially life-threatening conditions, in this case prompting urgent intervention with pericardiocentesis.
Point-of-care Ultrasound in Morbidity and Mortality Cases in Emergency Medicine: Who Benefits the Most?
POCUS was felt to have the potential to reduce or prevent M&M in 45% of cases in which it was not used. Cardiac and Lung POCUS were among the most useful applications, especially in patients with cardiopulmonary complaints and in those with abnormal vital signs.
Get started with Butterfly iQ+.

Learn how to obtain the parasternal long view.
Mastering the 4 basic views of the heart is the first step to perform focused cardiac assessment. Learn how to assess gross cardiac size, structure and function at the bedside with Dr. Mike Stone.

Learn basic scanning technique for lung.
An introduction to the basic scanning technique for lung ultrasound – useful in the differentiation of CHF and COPD.

Ultrasound in cardiac arrest.
How to incorporate ultrasound into the evaluation of a patient in cardiac arrest.
These videos, including, but not limited to the text, graphics, images, audio and other material herein ("Videos") are for informational purposes only and are intended to demonstrate the potential uses of the Butterfly iQ. The Videos are not a substitute for professional clinician training and experience. Clinicians are solely responsible for patient care and for exercising their independent clinical judgement at all times.
Dr. David Liang
An intimate discussion about the ways handheld ultrasound can support cardiology practice.