Harness the power of ultrasound at scale with our system-wide ultrasound solution.

iQ+️ Probe.
Handheld, whole-body ultrasound probe.
Compass™ Software.
Integrated, device-agnostic software.
Client Experience.
The people to make it happen.
Bedside assessment transformed.
See how Butterfly can help bring imaging into everyday diagnostic processes, across specialties.
Whole-body assessment. FAST support. Procedural guidance. All in your rig.
Whole-body imaging for timely assessment and intervention in critical cardiopulmonary events.
Heart, lung and deep vein scans at the bedside. Support from diagnosis through PIV placement.
Bedside imaging. Comprehensive support from nerve blocks to peri-operative monitoring.
Harness the power of ultrasound at scale with our system-wide ultrasound solution.
Handheld, whole-body ultrasound probe.
Integrated, device-agnostic software.
The people to make it happen.
Ultrasound-driven insights. Anytime, anywhere. Whole-body imaging that shifts your standard of care across disciplines and care settings. Ultrasound delivered in a single, durable probe.
Simply connect the probe to your compatible iOS or Android device, select from 20+ presets in seconds with the swipe of a finger — and start scanning.
Software that takes you from scanning to EMR in moments. Capture the value of every image, safely and securely.
The work of ultrasound, all in one place. Manage quality assurance, credentialing, documentation and billing on a single platform.
Embedded education and training to enable clinicians across care settings. We’ll help support the long-term scaling of Butterfly throughout your enterprise.
Log into the Mayo Butterfly Cloud to unlock hundreds of training videos, from basic skills to advanced scanning technique.
It is essential to hold the iQ close to the imaging base to allow you to brace your hand during the study.
Choosing the correct preset is a critical first step in imaging.
Overall gain should be set sufficiently high to visualize structures of interest, but sufficiently low to avoid false echoes.